References for Fumariaceae

187-259. Pavlick, L.E. 1989. Scouler's Corydalis - one of Canada's rare and beautiful plants. The Victoria Naturalist 45(6): 17.
Berg, R.Y. 1969. Adaptation and evolution in Dicentra, with special reference to seed, fruit and dispersal mechanisms. Nytt. Mag. Bot. 16:49-75.
Fahselt, D. 1972. The use of flavonoid components in the characterization of the genus Corydalis (Fumariaceae). Can. J. Bot. 50:1605-1610.
Fahselt, D. and M. Ownbey. 1968. Chromatographic comparison of Dicentra species and hybrids. Amer. J. Bot. 55:334-345.
Ownbey, G.B. 1947. Monograph of the North American species of Corydalis. Annals Missouri Bot. Gard. 34:
Rydberg, M. 1960. A morphological study of the Fumariaceae and the taxonomic significance of the charactersexamined. Acta Horti Bergiani 19:122-248.
Rydberg, M. 1960. Studies in the morphology and taxonomy of the Fumariaceae. Almquist and Wiksells Boytryckeri Ab., Uppsalas. 20 p.
Stern, K.R. 1968. Cytogeographic studies in Dicentra. I. Dicentra formosa and D. nevadensis. Amer. J. Bot. 55:626-628.
Stern, K.R. 1997. Fumariaceae In Flora of North America Editorial Committee eds. Flora of North America north of Mexico - Volume 3 Magnoliophyta: Magnoliidae and Hamamelidae. Oxford University Press, Inc. New York, NY.Stern, K.R. and M. Ownbey. 1971. Hybridization and cyt
Stern, K.R. 1961. Revision of Dicentra (Fumariaceae). Brittonia 13:1-57.
Stern, K.R. 1962. The use of pollen morphology in the taxonomy of Dicentra. Amer. J. Bot. 49:362-368.

Source for the Reference Lists

George W. Douglas, Del Meidinger and Jim Pojar. 1998-2002. Illustrated Flora of British Columbia.